Thursday, October 24, 2013

Diet Pop and the reasons to say NO!!

              Diet sodas boast of having no sugar at all, and still having the same sweet taste. That’s because diet sodas contain a chemical ingredient called Aspartame. This is the same chemical make-up of consumer sweeteners such as NutraSweet and Equal. Basically, Aspartame makes your brain think that what you’re eating is sweet. This triggers your body to start craving for sweet things. So, aside from being unable to cut down on your soda intake, you might find yourself constantly reaching for that cupcake or frequently craving carbohydrates.

        Some people prefer using aspartame even though they have heard the dangers of this chemical. They think that eating foods with artificial sweeteners is better that eating real sugar. I read part of Jillian Michael's book called Master Your Metabolism and it explains that aspartame is an excitotoxin. Excitotoxins can damage the appetite center of the brain and can lead to the death of neural cells. An excitotoxin is a chemical that causes a brain cell to become overexcited and fire uncontrollably, leading to cell death. MSG also has excitotoxins and it has the potential for inflicting permanent damage to the brain and nervous system. These chemicals also cross the placental barrier, harming the brains of unborn children.

              A great alternative to aspartame and other artificial man made sweeteners is Stevia. Stevia can be purchased as a powder or a liquid extract. Many people use it to sweeten their coffee or tea. It can be used in baking, where it works best combined with a natural sweetener like honey or rice syrup whose flavor it amplifies. It can be found at health food stores as well as most local grocery stores. Stevia is a sweetener that is widely grown for its sweet leaves. Stevia can be grown at home and fit nicely into a small garden. Our family has been using this natural sweetener for years replacing sugar with it in our cookies and other baked goods.

           I personally know how difficult it is to give up diet pop. I have had 2 family members struggle with the diet pop addiction. I can say that both of my loved ones feel so much better  now that they have switched to Stevia and are Diet Pop Free.  Zevia Soda was a great alternative to tradition Diet Sodas. Zevia contains no sugar it is made with 100% Stevia for sweetness. This soda can be found at Whole Foods, Krogers and most health food stores. 
 ~~~~~~ Kelly Jeffrey

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Motivation behind the Marathon

      People run marathons for many different reasons. Some run to benefit a charity and worthwhile causes, from disaster relief to fighting cancer or other disease. I am excited to say that this May I will be running my first 1/2 marathon for 2 of my children who have juvenile diabetes and my friends oldest daughter who has this disease. Running for something that is bigger than you is a great way to stay motivated and keep training. The people that you meet during training and during the race are some of the most motivated people you will every meet.
     I watched my first marathon this past weekend and it truly was one of the most inspirational events I have witnessed. I never thought I would be tearing up during a race but I was wrong. To stand toward the finish line and watch people in their 70's and 80's finish a marathon is very inspiring. I witnessed many parents who carried there young children in for that last stretch of the race. One dad has his son with Down Syndrome run the last 100 yards with him and to see his son's face filled with pride of his father is a moment I will treasure forever.
     Beyond helping you to lose or maintain weight, there are lots of other health benefits of half marathon or full marathon training. Running will strengthen your heart and ensure the efficient flow of blood and oxygen throughout your body, which helps decrease your risk of a heart attack. Exercise is one of the best ways to naturally reduce your blood pressure if it's above normal and it can help keep high cholesterol in check. Running also improves your immune system, so your body functions are more effective and efficient at fighting off germs.
     You do not have to be the competitive type to enter a race now and then. You will find that lots of other racers aren't overly competitive either. Racers like myself are out there because it is fun and social, and it motivates us to keep on running.
     Happy running and peace to you ~~~ Kelly Jeffrey



Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Power of Meditation

Meditation is an age-old practice that can help relieve a host of negative thoughts and feelings brought on by our life. All you need to do to meditate is a find a quiet place to sit, have the ability to direct your attention to the silence, or have a guided mediation playing . As long as you give it a well-intentioned try, you can't go wrong. Some people do not like guided mediation because they are able to mediate in the silence and connect with Spirit ( I use this word but other people may use God, Buddha, Holy Spirit or Divine etc. etc.) I like "guided mediation"  best that I have right on my iPhone. There are many (free) apps to download that are very peaceful.

 Meditation is a practice that engages not only your mind, but your body and spirit, too. Use the tips in the following paragraph to engage every aspect of your "Being" in your meditation practice. Experiment with different sitting positions until you find one you can hold comfortably for 10  minutes. This was very difficult for me at first. You should also explore the basic meditation techniques (mindfulness, loving-kindness, mantra, visualization). Take a meditation class with an experienced teacher, join a meditation group, or attend a meditation workshop or retreat. Practicing Yoga is a great way to get started. Always reflect on the many ways your mind stresses you out, as well as the power of meditation to help you work with your mind. I find that when I am stressing about something in my life the quickest way to feel better is with meditation. Remember meditation is scientifically proven to have health benefits. From lower cholesterol, to greater longevity, to an enhanced immune system. I always think of what motivates me to meditate and rededicate myself to the practice. We all should follow a healthy lifestyle: Eat well, exercise regularly, avoid smoking, drinking, and watching too much TV or other mind-numbing activities, especially right before meditating. Start off small try by reading a spiritual book, magazine, or speak to a Spirtual Guide (if you're so inclined) that could assist you to connect with the sacred and inspire your meditation.

Blessing's & Peace ~~ Kelly Jeffrey

Friday, October 18, 2013

Kale Chips.... Don't say Yuck until you have tried these...

1 head organic kale, washed and thoroughly dried (make sure it is completely dry)
2 tablespoons organic extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil ( let it sit out at room temperature to get to liquid form)
Himalayan Pink Sea salt, for sprinkling
Preheat the oven to 275 degrees F.

Remove the ribs from the kale and cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces. Lay on a baking sheet and toss with the coconut  oil and pink sea salt. Bake until crisp, turning the leaves halfway through, about 20 minutes. Serve as finger food. Do not dip these in chip dip or ranch dressing (this has been tried and they will crumble, plus that defeats the purpose of eating healthy)

Cheers to you all and enjoy a life of healthy eating~~~ Kelly Jeffrey

I have been asked.....why use Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt ?  well it is because it contains the full spectrum of 84 minerals and trace elements just like Mother Earth intended. It is an unrefined, unprocessed "raw" salt that's hand-mined from abundant salt caves that were formed 250 million years ago as ocean salt settled in certain geologic pockets around the earth.


The benefits of coconut oil

I can not believe the benefits of coconut oil and how it has changed our family. Coconut oil is nature's richest source of MCT ( Medium chain triglycerides). They are different from the common chain of fatty acids found in traditional plant-based oils. MCT's are burned for energy instead of the typical fatty acids that are stored in our bodies as fat. The MCT's also burn up quickly in our bodies. Research has shown that besides human mothers milk that coconut oil has miraculous healing powers and is a natural source of lauric acid and medium chain fatty acids.

When lauric acid is consumed in our diet it forms a monglyceride called monolaurin which has been shown to destroy bacteria and viruses in our bodies. Some of the viruses that have been destroyed are measles, herpes, influenza and there has been evidence of Candida being killed off.

Our family has seen the results of using coconut oil not just in our cooking but using topically. We have replaced traditional lotions with this natural oil for our skin. I use it once a week on the ends of my hair to help with split ends or damage from heating products. It has worked miracles on bruises our families bodies as well.

We have replaced our recipes from lard, oil and butter to coconut oil. It can be used the same as these unhealthy oils. We made cookies last night and replaced the 1 cup of butter with 1 cup of olive oil and the taste was amazing. Making simple recipes like macaroni and cheese can be replaced with 1/4 cup of coconut oil. My husband uses it on his toast instead of butter. The taste is so refreshing and the health benefits of using this oil are amazing.

If you have not purchased Coconut oil I recommend giving it a try. Please research the benefits online because I have just touched on a few but there are dozens more.

Happy Cooking and Feeling Well ~~~ Kelly Jeffrey

Coconut Oil it has changed peoples lives!!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Toned Body Toned Mind

A regular exercise routine is not just good for our body but also our minds. It will affect our alertness, vitality, and our feeling of well-being.

Muscle toning is a form of exercise that forces a muscle to travel its full range of motion while under resistance.

There are several ways to perform muscle toning exercises. 

You can increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis with exercises such as squats and lunges. These exercises will help build muscle and increase your metabolic rate which in turn will control your weight.

The obvious benefit to toning is achieving a lean, attractive body, but there are other benefits beyond the obvious. With increased muscle there is a decrease in body fat and weight. Reducing your weight will benefit your heart, joints and your entire skeletal system. You will increase your energy and flexibility with your lean toned body. 

Research has shown that those people who regularly exercise have reduced stress levels and have more energy then they did before they started a regular workout routine. This in turn will be a healthier you and you will have a better attitude toward life.

Toning exercises such as crunches and planks target the abdomen. These exercises will tone your abdominal area along with improving your posture. These types of toning workouts may relieve stress to your spinal cord.

Consider joining an exercise class that targets muscle toning to learn proper form from a professional fitness instructor. Muscle toning and weight loss is a gradual process that requires a healthy diet as well as regular exercise.

When you follow a regular exercise regime it will help your mind in multiple ways. Your body increases the production of neurochemicals that promote brain cell repair. Exercising can improve your memory and lengthen your attention span, lets face it don't we all need help in that area? It will also help us with multi-tasking and planning. Prompting growth of new nerve cells and blood vessels is an added bonus to the benefits of regular exercise.

A toned body and mind is about feeling your best , finding your balance and your overall happiness.

Blessings to you all~~~ Kelly Jeffrey

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fitness Friends its a must

Fitness Friends and the Benefits

When it comes to working out, having a friend to come along for the workout can be so much more beneficial. Woman who schedule a workout day and time with a friend will hold you both accountable for that workout. If you tell yourself.. "Ok Monday morning at 9:00 I am going to workout." Well Monday may come and go and guess what .. "No workout." If you call your friend on Sunday and say " How about we go to class tomorrow at 9:00" well I am hear to tell you that you both will be going to that workout class. Having a buddy will motivate you to show up and work hard as well.

Exercising with a group or a friend will also push you to workout to your very best.  If you workout with someone who has more endurance then you well guess what? You will push yourself even harder than you thought. You'll be amazed at the difference it makes to your motivation to have a buddy.

Lets face it "Time flies when you're having fun!" I can 100% guarantee that you will have more fun and be more motivated with a group or a friend during your workout. Having someone to chat with during your workout session will let you focus on something else besides the workout you are doing. You will be getting toned, catch up and burn calories all at the same time.

So find a friend or a group of friends and get fit together!

Best Wishes in your fitness journey
~~~~~Kelly Jeffrey

" I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light" ~~ Helen Keller

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Live Life to its Fullest

Living Life to its Fullest is a saying we hear often, although many people do not this. When I think of this phrase it makes me really want to enjoy the "moment" and really engage in the activity I am doing at that time. To me, living life to its fullest is living in each activity of the day. The activity could be driving my children to school, walking the dog, making the bed or preparing dinner. How often do we really think about what we are doing? Sometimes we just go about our day and just do do do do but never enjoy the day.

I think we all could start Living Life to the Fullest by just being aware. Life isn't just about waking up then racing from one activity to the next then going to sleep. There are those moments throughout the day that we need to enjoy and be aware our world. Be grateful for waking up and the people that we encounter throughout the day. This is a process that we all could work on day after day. Somedays face it....we will forget, but on those days we remember to just be aware of our activities and the people we meet and feel more gratitude. 

A practice that I have worked on and will continue to strive towards is forgiveness. I am a believer that for me to live life to its fullest is being forgiving. I try and will continue to try to not hold a grudge or say negative things about people. Everyone gets mad now and then, but staying mad is going to harm ourselves more than the other person.  To live life to the fullest we all need to learn to forgive.

 I hope we all can Enjoy this Life and Live it to the Fullest

Blessings and Love, ~~~~ Kelly Jeffrey

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fall Fitness... Enjoy the Season

This time of the year is a great time to get outside and exercise. Many people are taking the time to set some new workout goals. The summer season of traveling with the kids is over and now it is time to focus on your health. 

Cross- Country Running or Walking is a great solo exercise and can be done with friends. The heat of the summer has passed and the fresh cool fall air is a terrific time to enjoy your workouts outside. Both running and walking are excellent activities to help build your muscular endurance.

What about raking the leaves for a classic workout? This is an activity that can be done with your kids or by yourself. Taking just one hour out of your busy day to rake leaves burn close to 400 calories.

Frisbee or Football is another great workout that your kids will enjoy doing with you. Taking just 30 minutes to enjoy this high energy sport is a way to reduce stress and have fun. People can burn up to 300 calories in 30 minutes depending on intensity of course.

Playing a game of basketball in this weather is a terrific way to feel energized and bring out your competitive spirit. You are not only going to give your lower body a workout but your upper body as well.

Mountain Biking is a way to enjoy nature and puts less stress on joints then other activities. It is a great way to build endurance levels and torch calories quickly. It works your quads and glutes as you cycle your way up hilly areas.

I hope you all feel the energy of fall and enjoy some of these wonderful outside exercises.
Have a Blessed Season
~~~ Kelly Jeffrey

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Kids, Nature and Wellness: Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada

Niagara Falls is a wonderful way to spend time in nature and have a great family experience. The best time to visit Niagara Falls is from May to October because of the milder weather. Attractions like Maid of the Mist and Journey behind the Falls is a must for your entire family. Niagara Falls is obviously a big attraction for honeymooners and is labeled the honeymoon capital of the world. It is also a great place for a family vacation. Our trip to Niagara Falls is a adventure our 3 children will never forget. The appreciation we all had for Mother Nature is beyond words after seeing her greatest wonders in the falls. The trip is a spiritual experience in viewing such an amazing natural wonder and her surrounding landscape.

The one struggle families could face is the food and the overpriced restaurants. Traveling with 3 children can be very expensive if you do not have the right food options packed. Our family tries to eat healthy even when we are not at home. The important thing to do before traveling to Niagara Falls or on any trip is to plan ahead. I made sure we made a trip to our local Health Food store to purchase healthy snacks before we left. The other important thing to do is talk to the hotel staff about "family style" restaurant options. We had such an amazing homemade Italian meal that was walking distant from our hotel that the staff recommended. Niagara Falls is PACKED with touristy restaurants that unhealthy and extremely overpriced.

Niagara Falls is one of the biggest producers of negative ions. You are probably wondering who cares or what those are. Well, negative ions are an oxygen atom with an extra electron. Well, again, so what?!  Well, in talking about wellness I think it is important to know that the moving water of the falls releases negative ions. The negative ions then turn and purify the air and give off high volumes of oxygen. While we were all standing on the maid of the mist viewing this natural wonder we all felt a energized and rejuvenated feeling. The effects that the negative ions consumption were contributing to our whole families physical and emotional well being.
I hope everyone of you take the opportunity to take this journey to the Falls. The sightseeing will be an adventure your family will remember always. It is truly a magical experience that you and your loved ones will never forget!
Blessing and Love to you all ~ Kelly Jeffrey